NYLAG Clinic for Pro Se Litigants in SDNY

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This free legal clinic, staffed by NYLAG attorneys and a paralegal, provides legal assistance to people who are representing themselves or planning to represent themselves in civil law suits in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY).

The clinic assists litigants with most types of federal civil cases, including matters involving civil rights, employment discrimination, labor law, social security benefits, foreclosure and tax. It provides pro se litigants with a range of services, including:

  • Counseling clients considering filing a case in the SDNY, including on the issue of whether a case should be filed in the SDNY or elsewhere.

  • Providing an overview of the federal legal process in civil cases generally.

  • Providing legal advice in response to questions at all stages of litigation in the SDNY.

  • Reviewing and explaining court orders and filings by the opponent.

  • Assisting with preparation for depositions, mediations and court appearances.

The clinic is located in the Thurgood Marshall Courthouse at 40 Centre Street, New York NY 10007 in Room LL22 The office is just inside the ground level entrance to the courthouse, on Pearl Street.

It is open on weekdays from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

To make an appointment for a consultation call (212) 659-6190 or stop by the clinic during office hours.

Please note: a government-issued photo ID is required to enter the building. The clinic offers in-person appointments only. The clinic does not offer assistance over the phone or by email.