Representation in Child Abuse/Neglect Proceedings

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Child Abuse and Neglect proceedings are heard in Family Court after an ACS investigation has determined that there are credible reports of abuse or neglect. The parent/guardian has a right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings.

There are a number of Family Defense Offices in NYC that represent parents or guardians in abuse or neglect proceedings. Some offices offer holistic services (access to social workers, guidance with public benefits, housing, and employment assistance and criminal attorneys). Depending on the variety of issues a client may face, you should consider whether a holistic office would be more appropriate to meet their needs.

A participant should be connected to a Family Defense office that is in the jurisdiction of where they are set to appear.

For example, if a participant is to appear in New York Criminal Court, they should connect to the Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem or the Center for Family Representation in Manhattan.

After figuring out which office to call, make sure to refer to how to speak to public defenders.

Below are the jurisdictions and according family defense offices:

New York County Family Court

  • Neighborhood Defender Service Of Harlem (holistic) (212.876.5500)

  • Center for Family Representation (212.691.0950)

Bronx Family Court

  • Bronx Defenders (holistic) (718.838.7878)

Brooklyn Family Court

  • Brooklyn Defender Services (holistic) (718.254.0700)

  • Brooklyn Legal Aid

Queens Criminal Court