Child Visitation

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Any parent, grandparent, or sibling seeking to visit with a child may file a petition in Family Court against the person(s) who have custody of the child. The court will order visitation if it deems that it is in the child's best interest. Visitation and custody matters are often heard together within the same hearing, but a visitation petition may also be filed as a separate matter.

The participant must fill out this form and bring it to the "petition clerk" at the Family Court filing desk.

There are no filing fees in Family Court.

Participants can also choose to have their visitation matters sent to mediation.

The mediation program is a free, voluntary, and confidential process where the parents work with a neutral mediator to create their own parenting plan. Parties interested in mediation can ask the judge hearing their case to be sent to mediation. For more info on mediation, click here.