Pro Se Representation in Housing Court

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Pro se representation is an option for a participant who does not have a lawyer and would like to represent themselves in a court proceeding. Before proceeding, make sure:

1. Does the participant have an open case in housing court? If yes or maybe, check WebCivilLocal to confirm. If no, guide the participant through the process for filing a lawsuit.

2. If the participant has an open case in housing court, ask if they are sure that they want to proceed pro se. If not, you can help them find a lawyer.

3. Identify the nature of their case and direct them to the appropriate DIY Form on the NYC Housing Court website per the info below. Please also read this information about answering a petition.

  • Notice of Eviction: if the participant has received a notice of eviction, it is crucial to fill out this form and have the participant bring it to the housing court clerk immediately. More information regarding the process of stopping an eviction is here.

  • Default Judgment: if the participant has a judgment entered against them after missing a court date or failing to answer a petition, fill out this form and bring it to the housing court clerk.

  • Nonpayment Petition: if the participant received a nonpayment petition from their landlord and lives in NYCHA or rent-stabilized housing, they should fill out this form and bring it to the housing court clerk.

4. Inform the participant that they can seek assistance from a Civil Court Help Center or from Volunteer Attorneys.

  • Civil Court Help Centers

    • Lawyers employed by the court can assist pro se individuals with filling out housing forms, providing referrals to government agencies, social services, and legal services providers. They also explain court procedures, legal terminology, and available paths of action. They are neutral parties, however, and therefore are unable to provide legal advice.

  • Volunteer Lawyers

    • These lawyers can provide legal assistance to pro se litigants, however cannot represent them in court or file papers. Please check the schedules at the Volunteer Lawyers link above for when a volunteer lawyer is present at a Help Center.